The Bad Batch
The Bad Batch
United States of America, 2017, 119 min
Filme / Drama / Horror / Sci-Fi
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Director:Ana Lily Amirpour
Stars:Suki Waterhouse, Jason Momoa, Keanu Reeves, Giovanni Ribisi, Yolonda Ross, Jayda Fink, Cory Roberts, Jim Carrey, Aye Hasegawa, Louie Lopez Jr., E.R. Ruiz, Joni Podesta, Almayvonne, Danielle Orner, Mandy Pursley, Alina Aliluykina, Ashleigh Biller, Irene Guindal, Nina Mansker, Emily O'Brien, DaLaura Patton, Lana Walling, Ndea Williams, Eamon O'Rourke, Diego Luna
Production:Annapurna Pictures, Vice Studios
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