The Roundup
범죄도시 2
South Korea, 2022, 106 min
Filme / Action / Crime
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Director:Lee Sang-yong
Stars:Ma Dong-seok, Son Suk-ku, Choi Gwi-hwa, Park Ji-hwan, Heo Dong-won, Ha Jun, Jeong Jae-kwang, Nam Moon-chul, Park Ji-young, Lee Ju-won, Um Mun-suk, Kim Chan-hyung, Lee Gyu-woon, Jeon Jin-oh, Lee Da-il, Kim Young-sung, Cha Woo-jin, Park Kwang-jae, Baek Seung-ik, Choi Jae-hoon, Woo Kang-min, Kang Deok-joong, Song Yo Sep, Yoon Byung-hee, Seo Moon-ho, Han Woo-yeol, Kwon Hyeok-beom, Park Eun-woo, Kim Seo-won, Shon Seung-beom, Jeong In-gi
Production:BA Entertainment, Plus M, Hong Film, Big Punch Pictures, ABO Entertainment
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