The Social Network
The Social Network
United States of America, 2010, 120 min
Filme / Drama
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Director:David Fincher
Stars:Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake, Armie Hammer, Max Minghella, Rooney Mara, Brenda Song, Rashida Jones, John Getz, David Selby, Denise Grayson, Josh Pence, Douglas Urbanski, Joseph Mazzello, Wallace Langham, Patrick Mapel, Dakota Johnson, Melise, Bryan Barter, Barry Livingston, Shelby Young, Abhi Sinha, Mariah Bonner, Mark Saul, Cedric Sanders, Inger Tudor
Production:Columbia Pictures, Scott Rudin Productions, Relativity Media, Trigger Street Productions, Michael De Luca Productions
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