Willkommen in Wellville
The Road to Wellville
United States of America, 1994, 118 min
Filme / Comedy / Romance
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Director:Alan Parker
Stars:Anthony Hopkins, Bridget Fonda, Matthew Broderick, John Cusack, Dana Carvey, Michael Lerner, Colm Meaney, John Neville, Lara Flynn Boyle, Traci Lind, Camryn Manheim, Roy Brocksmith, Norbert Weisser, Monica Parker, Jacob Reynolds, Michael Goodwin, Marshall Efron, Aleksandr Slanksnis, Carole Shelley, Gabriel Barre, Robert Tracey, Ann Tucker, Jemila Ericson, Marianne Muellerleile, Jean Wenderlich
Production:Columbia Pictures, Beacon Communications, Beacon Pictures, Dirty Hands Productions, Per-Fo Pictures
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