Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
United States of America, 2022, 90 min
Filme / Animation / Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Family
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Director:Dean Fleischer Camp
Stars:Jenny Slate, Dean Fleischer Camp, Isabella Rossellini, Joe Gabler, Shari Finkelstein, Samuel Painter, Blake Hottle, Scott Osterman, Jeremy Evans, Lesley Stahl, Rosa Salazar, Thomas Mann, Sarah Thyre, Andy Richter, Nathan Fielder, Jessi Klein, Peter Bonerz, Jamie Leonhart, Avan Jogia, Victoria Justice, Conan O'Brien, Brian Williams
Production:Cinereach, Strongman, Chiodo Bros. Productions, You Want I Should, LLC, Human Woman, Sunbeam TV & Films
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