The Boys in the Boat
The Boys in the Boat
United States of America, 2023, 124 min
Filme / Drama / History
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Director:George Clooney
Stars:Joel Edgerton, Callum Turner, Peter Guinness, Sam Strike, Thomas Elms, Jack Mulhern, Luke Slattery, Bruce Herbelin-Earle, Wil Coban, Tom Varey, Joel Phillimore, James Wolk, Hadley Robinson, Chris Diamantopoulos, Courtney Henggeler, Alec Newman, Laurel Lefkow, Sam Douglas, Jaymes Butler, Chris Wilson, Jacob James Beswick, Glenn Wrage, Edward Baker-Duly, Austin Haynes, Ian McElhinney, John Ammirati
Production:Smoke House Pictures, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Spyglass Media Group
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