28 Soldiers - Die Panzerschlacht
Kim Druzhinin, Andrey ShalopaSchauspieler:
Aleksandr Ustyugov, Yakov Kucherevky, Azamat Nigmanov, Alexey Morozov, Oleg Fyodorov, Dmitriy Girev, Aleksey Longin, Andrey Shalopa, Pavel Goncharov, Nikolay Klimchuk, Vitaliy Kovalenko, Yakov KucherevskiyHerbst 1941: Die deutschen Truppen, die in der Nähe von Volokolamsk stationiert sind, sind nur noch zwei Stunden von Moskau entfernt. Der Weg zur Hauptstadt führt allerdings durch ein Gebiet, das durch die 316. Schützendivision bewacht wird und unter dem Kommando von General I.W. Panfilov steht. Dieser Kommandant war unter den Soldaten so sehr angesehen, dass seine Männer sich selbst als "Panfilov-Gardisten" (Panfilovtsy) bezeichneten. In bitterer Kälte und mit wenig Ausrüstung ausgestattet, kämpften die 28 Panfilov-Gardisten unerbittlich, um ihr geliebtes Vaterland zu verteidigen.
USSR, Late November, 1941. Based on the account by reporter Vasiliy Koroteev that appeared in the Red Army's newspaper, Krasnaya Zvezda, shortly after the battle, this is the story of Panifilov's Twenty-Eight, a group of twenty-eight soldiers of the Red Army's 316th Rifle Division, under the command of General Ivan Panfilov, that stopped the advance on Moscow of a column of fifty-four Nazi tanks of the 11th Panzer Division for several days. Though armed only with standard issue Mosin-Nagant infantry rifles and DP and PM-M1910 machine guns, all useless against tanks, and with wholly inadequate RPG-40 anti-tank grenades and PTRD-41 anti-tank rifles, they fight tirelessly and defiantly, with uncommon bravery and unwavering dedication, to protect Moscow and their Motherland.
USSR, Late November, 1941. Based on the account by reporter Vasiliy Koroteev that appeared in the Red Army's newspaper, Krasnaya Zvezda, shortly after the battle, this is the story of Panifilov's Twenty-Eight, a group of twenty-eight soldiers of the Red Army's 316th Rifle Division, under the command of General Ivan Panfilov, that stopped the advance on Moscow of a column of fifty-four Nazi tanks of the 11th Panzer Division for several days. Though armed only with standard issue Mosin-Nagant infantry rifles and DP and PM-M1910 machine guns, all useless against tanks, and with wholly inadequate RPG-40 anti-tank grenades and PTRD-41 anti-tank rifles, they fight tirelessly and defiantly, with uncommon bravery and unwavering dedication, to protect Moscow and their Motherland.