33 Szenen aus dem Leben
Małgorzata SzumowskaSchauspieler:
Julia Jentsch, Peter Gantzler, Maciej Stuhr, Dominika Ostałowska, Robert Więckiewicz, Małgorzata Hajewska-Krzysztofik, Andrzej Hudziak, Roman GancarczykBinnen eines Jahres verliert die bis dahin glücklich verheiratete und als Künstlerin erfolgreiche Julia (Julia Jentsch) alles: Ihr geliebter Mann verlässt sie, die Mutter stirbt an Krebs und kurz darauf der Vater an Kummer. Ihre Karriere gerät ins Straucheln und selbst die ältere Schwester beginnt eine Affäre mit einem Priester. Während die Welt um Julia herum zusammenbricht, fängt sie an, in dem Gefühlschaos zur Ruhe zu kommen und daraus neue Kraft zu ziehen.
Emotionale Erschütterungen in Serie muss eine erfolgreiche Fotografin ertragen und hat schwer daran zu knabbern, ihre bisherige heile Welt auseinanderbrechen zu sehen. Julia Jentsch ("Sophie Scholl") gibt eine Gala-Vorstellung, wenn sie einen lebensbejahenden Reifeprozess durchläuft.
The Polish artist Julia and her husband Piotr, a talented and successful composer, live in Kraków. When Julias's mother, Barbara falls ill with stomach cancer, the life of the family is falling apart. Julia accompanies her mother to death, but her husband Piotr is at rehearsals in Cologne and leaves her to cope with this difficult situation. Only her friend Adrian is at her side. Her father Jurek is also overwhelmed by the impending loss of his beloved wife. After the death of the mother her father takes comfort from alcohol. Shortly after the father dies. Julia found only in the arms of Adrian to rest, but this in turn destroyed her marriage to Piotr. After the loss of the parents and break up of the marriage she is now alone in the world with an uncertain future where Adrian is of little help
The Polish artist Julia and her husband Piotr, a talented and successful composer, live in Kraków. When Julias's mother, Barbara falls ill with stomach cancer, the life of the family is falling apart. Julia accompanies her mother to death, but her husband Piotr is at rehearsals in Cologne and leaves her to cope with this difficult situation. Only her friend Adrian is at her side. Her father Jurek is also overwhelmed by the impending loss of his beloved wife. After the death of the mother her father takes comfort from alcohol. Shortly after the father dies. Julia found only in the arms of Adrian to rest, but this in turn destroyed her marriage to Piotr. After the loss of the parents and break up of the marriage she is now alone in the world with an uncertain future where Adrian is of little help