633 Squadron
Walter GraumanSchauspieler:
Cliff Robertson, Maria Perschy, John Meillon, Harry Andrews, Michael Goodliffe, George Chakiris, Donald Houston, John Bonney, Angus Lennie, Scot Finch, John Church, Barbara Archer, Sean Kelly, Julian Sherrier, Geoffrey FrederickSpannung, Abenteuer, Nervenkitzel - und spektakuläre Luftkämpfe beitet dieser dramatische Film, der auf einer wahren Begebenheit aus dem 2. Weltkrieg beruht. Die Besetzungsliste wird gleich mit zwei Oscar-Gewinnern angeführt: Cliff Robertson und George Chakiris. Robertson, der sich auch im richtigen Leben für das Fliegen begeistert, spielt einen kriegsmüden Kampfpiloten der Royal Air Force, dessen Geschwader den Befehl zu einem Himmelfahrtskommando erhält. Es soll an einen norwegischen Fjord ein verstecktes Raketentreibstoffdepot der Nazis in die Luft jagen.
633 Squadron has enjoyed an unqualified string of successes. Their luck changes when they are assigned to bomb a German rocket fuel plant, in Norway which is guarded by heavy anti-aircraft defences, and the plant is considered bomb-proof. Their nearly impossible mission is further complicated by a German air raid, the difficult approach to the target and the capture and torture of the underground leader who is assisting the squadron.
633 Squadron has enjoyed an unqualified string of successes. Their luck changes when they are assigned to bomb a German rocket fuel plant, in Norway which is guarded by heavy anti-aircraft defences, and the plant is considered bomb-proof. Their nearly impossible mission is further complicated by a German air raid, the difficult approach to the target and the capture and torture of the underground leader who is assisting the squadron.