800 Bullets
Álex de la IglesiaSchauspieler:
Sancho Gracia, Ángel de Andrés López, Carmen Maura, Eusebio Poncela, Luis Castro, Manuel Tallafé, Enrique Martínez, Luciano Federico, Eduardo Gómez, Terele Pávez, Ramón Barea, Cesáreo Estébanez, Eduardo Antuña, Gracia Olayo, Berta Ojea, Yoima ValdésHeimlich macht sich der kleine Carlos auf nach Almeria. Sein versoffener Großvater leitet dort eine heruntergekommene Wildwest-Show. Im Selbstmitleid ertrinkend, spricht er oft über die guten alten Zeiten, in denen er noch als Stunt-Double für Clint Eastwood eingesetzt wurde. Zu allem Überfluss macht ihn auch noch Carlos Mutter für den Tod ihres Mannes verantwortlich... denn Julián war dabei, als der Unfall passierte. Eines Tages kommt diese auch wütend angetrabt und will ihren Sohn mitnehmen. Nebenbei erwähnt die Maklerin, dass sie dieses Grundstück für andere Zwecke vorgesehen hat - die Westernstadt soll dem Erdboden gleich gemacht werden.
Sie können ihm alles nehmen, nur nicht seine Wildwestshow. Zu allem entschlossen, macht sich Julián auf in die große Stadt. Dort besorgt er sich nun 800 (echte) Kugeln.
Julián Torralba is a former movie stuntman in Almeria, Spain. He and several of his colleagues, who once made a living in American Westerns shot in Spain, now are reduced to doing stunt shows for minuscule audiences on the decaying set built for those old Westerns. Julián wrestles with dark memories of the death of his son, also a stuntman, and with estrangement from his daughter-in-law Laura and her son Carlos. Carlos, a young boy, becomes intrigued with his late father's life and runs away to join Julián and his band of has-beens. There Carlos is initiated into the rambunctious life of these hard-drinking faux cowboys. But when Laura, a powerful executive looking for a new site for a tourist resort, learns that Carlos has joined the hated Julián, she moves to destroy even this remnant of Julián's once-proud career. Julián and the cowboys decide to fight back the only way they know how.
Julián Torralba is a former movie stuntman in Almeria, Spain. He and several of his colleagues, who once made a living in American Westerns shot in Spain, now are reduced to doing stunt shows for minuscule audiences on the decaying set built for those old Westerns. Julián wrestles with dark memories of the death of his son, also a stuntman, and with estrangement from his daughter-in-law Laura and her son Carlos. Carlos, a young boy, becomes intrigued with his late father's life and runs away to join Julián and his band of has-beens. There Carlos is initiated into the rambunctious life of these hard-drinking faux cowboys. But when Laura, a powerful executive looking for a new site for a tourist resort, learns that Carlos has joined the hated Julián, she moves to destroy even this remnant of Julián's once-proud career. Julián and the cowboys decide to fight back the only way they know how.