97 Minutes
Timo VuorensolaSchauspieler:
Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Alec Baldwin, MyAnna Buring, Jo Martin, Michael Sirow, Pavan Grover, Anjul Nigam, Davor Tomic, Slavko Sobin, Peter Brooke, Austin Parsons, Kasia Koleczek, Danny Bohnen, Joe Corrigall, Jodie McmullenEine entführte 767 wird in nur 97 Minuten abstürzen, wenn ihr der Treibstoff ausgeht. Gegen den starken Willen der stellvertretenden NSA-Mitarbeiterin Toyin (Jo Martin) bereitet NSA-Direktor Hawkins (Alec Baldwin) den Abschuss des Flugzeugs vor, bevor es am Boden katastrophalen Schaden anrichtet, und überlässt das Schicksal der unschuldigen Passagiere Alex (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), einem verdeckten Interpol-Agenten, der in die Terrorzelle eingeschleust wurde.
A hijacked 767 will crash in just 97 minutes when its fuel runs out. Against the strong will of NSA Deputy Toyin, NSA Director Hawkins prepares to have the plane shot down before it does any catastrophic damage on the ground, leaving the fate of the innocent passengers in the hands of Tyler, one of the alleged hijackers on board who is an undercover Interpol agent - or is he?
A hijacked 767 will crash in just 97 minutes when its fuel runs out. Against the strong will of NSA Deputy Toyin, NSA Director Hawkins prepares to have the plane shot down before it does any catastrophic damage on the ground, leaving the fate of the innocent passengers in the hands of Tyler, one of the alleged hijackers on board who is an undercover Interpol agent - or is he?