A Daughter's Ordeal
Richard SwitzerSchauspieler:
Natalie Brown, Lisa Berry, Sarah Fisher, Alex Steele, Doug Murray, Milton Barnes, Reha Sandill, Violet MountHope hat ihrer Tochter Lacy immer sehr nahe gestanden. Aber seit ihrer Scheidung von ihrem Mann macht sich Hope Sorgen um Lacy, die mit der Situation nicht zurechtkommt. So ist Hope begeistert, als Lacy eine neue Freundin, Cassie, mit nach Hause bringt, deren Eltern sich ebenfalls kürzlich scheiden ließen. Lacy und Cassie werden schnell zu den besten Freundinnen. Doch als Cassie beginnt, einen Keil zwischen Lacy und ihre Mutter zu treiben, fragt sich Hope, ob Cassie das Geschenk des Himmels ist, das sie sich zuerst vorgestellt hat.
Hope has always been close to her daughter Lacy. But since her divorce from her husband, Hope has been worried about Lacy, who is struggling to cope. So Hope is excited when Lacy brings home a new friend, Cassie, whose parents recently divorced as well. Lacy and Cassie quickly become the best of friends. But when Cassie begins to drive a wedge between Lacy and her mother, Hope beings to wonder if Cassie is the godsend she first imagined.
Hope has always been close to her daughter Lacy. But since her divorce from her husband, Hope has been worried about Lacy, who is struggling to cope. So Hope is excited when Lacy brings home a new friend, Cassie, whose parents recently divorced as well. Lacy and Cassie quickly become the best of friends. But when Cassie begins to drive a wedge between Lacy and her mother, Hope beings to wonder if Cassie is the godsend she first imagined.