A Mermaid's Tale
Dustin RikertSchauspieler:
Jerry O'Connell, Barry Bostwick, Caitlin Carmichael, Nancy Stafford, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Sydney Scotia, Callan Wilson, Jaimi Paige, Hannah Fraser, Tiiu Loigu, Lauren Zbylski, Patrick FlanaganDas Teenie-Mädchen Ryan zieht nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter zusammen mit ihrem Vater Matt in ein kleines Fischerdorf an Kaliforniens Küste. Sie hoffen auf ein neues, gemeinsames Leben mit ihrem Großvater Art. Während Ryan versucht, mit der neuen Umgebung zurechtzukommen, findet sie eine geheimnisvolle, magische Grotte.
Dort tummeln sich Delphine und Ryan trifft auf die mysteriöse Coral, ein Mädchen in Ryans Alter. Sie erfährt, dass Coral eine Meerjungfrau ist und schnell werden die beiden beste Freundinnen. Doch noch ahnen sie nichts von dem Geheimnis, das ihre beiden Familien bereits verbindet.
Get swept along on this beautiful and enchanting tale of 12-year-old Ryan who is forced to move with her father, Matt, to the fishing town in which he was born. The dying town is still home to Art, her grandfather who proves to be a mean, grouchy old man. Ryan tries to fit into her new home, and meet friends. In the process, she discovers a cove that is populated by playful dolphins and a mysterious girl named Coral. As their friendship grows, Ryan finds out that Coral is a mermaid, and work to reveal a secret that will save the town. This modern fairy tale is a beautiful story of the power of friendship.
Get swept along on this beautiful and enchanting tale of 12-year-old Ryan who is forced to move with her father, Matt, to the fishing town in which he was born. The dying town is still home to Art, her grandfather who proves to be a mean, grouchy old man. Ryan tries to fit into her new home, and meet friends. In the process, she discovers a cove that is populated by playful dolphins and a mysterious girl named Coral. As their friendship grows, Ryan finds out that Coral is a mermaid, and work to reveal a secret that will save the town. This modern fairy tale is a beautiful story of the power of friendship.