Abgrund - Am Rande der Wahrheit
Helena TabernaSchauspieler:
Daniel Grao, Juana Acosta, Ingrid García-Jonsson, Jon Kortajarena, Goya Toledo, Ana García, Josean Bengoetxea, Maiken Beitia, Ciro Miró, Xabier Elorriaga, Itsaso Arana, Ramón IbarraAuf den Kanarischen Inseln begeht ein Kult kollektiven Selbstmord. Cordelia (Ingrid García Jonsson), die jüngere Schwester von Gabriel (Daniel Grao), war Anhänger des Kultes. Der Bruder entscheidet sich den Ort des Geschehens aufzusuchen, um herauszufinden, was wirklich vor sich gegangen ist...
A mass suicide involving members of a cult takes place in the Canary Islands. Gabriel's younger sister, Cordelia, who he hasn't seen for years, was one of the cult followers. Gabriel decides to travel there and find out what happened.
A mass suicide involving members of a cult takes place in the Canary Islands. Gabriel's younger sister, Cordelia, who he hasn't seen for years, was one of the cult followers. Gabriel decides to travel there and find out what happened.