Accident Man 2
Harry Kirby, George KirbySchauspieler:
Scott Adkins, Ray Stevenson, Perry Benson, Sarah Chang, Andy Long Nguyen, Beau Fowler, George Fouracres, Peter Lee Thomas, Zara Phythian, Faisal Mohammed, Steffi Thake, Adam Basil, Maxime Durand, Flaminia CinqueThe Accident Man ist zurück, und diesmal muss er die besten Killer der Welt besiegen, um den undankbaren Sohn eines Mafiabosses zu beschützen, das Leben seines einzigen Freundes zu retten und seine Beziehung zu seiner wahnsinnigen Vaterfigur wieder aufleben zu lassen.
The Accident Man is back, and this time he must best the top assassins in the world to protect the ungrateful son of a mafia boss, save the life of his only friend and rekindle his relationship with his maniacal father figure.
The Accident Man is back, and this time he must best the top assassins in the world to protect the ungrateful son of a mafia boss, save the life of his only friend and rekindle his relationship with his maniacal father figure.