Acht Mann und ein Skandal
John SaylesSchauspieler:
John Cusack, Christopher Lloyd, Charlie Sheen, D. B. Sweeney, Clifton James, Michael Lerner, John Mahoney, David Strathairn, Michael Rooker, Don Harvey, James Read, Perry Lang, Gordon Clapp, Jace Alexander, Bill Irwin, Richard EdsonChicago 1919; Die Spieler des Baseball-Spitzenteams "Chicago White Sox" sind ärgerlich über die schlechte Bezahlung durch Club-Chef Comiskey. Wetthaie entdecken die Schwachstelle im Team und bestechen einige Spieler, um den Ausgang der Meisterschaft zu beeinflussen. Die Mannschaft verliert geplant, doch als das Geld nicht fließt, wie zugesagt, siegen die "White Sox" wieder. Die erzürnte Unterwelt droht mit massiver Gewalt und obwohl sich nicht alle Spieler davon beeindrucken lassen, unterliegen die "White Sox" im Entscheidungsspiel. Die Presse deckt den Skandal auf, und die Spieler werden letztendlich lebenslänglich gesperrt.
Atmosphärisch dichte Verfilmung des großen Baseball-Skandals von 1919 durch John Sayles. Charlie Sheen, Christopher Lloyd, D.B.Sweeney und John Cusack spielen die Hauptrollen. Mag sich Baseball dem Zuschauer hierzulande nur schwerlich erschließen, für den vorliegenden US-Kinoerfolg gilt: man muß die Regeln des Sports nicht verstehen, um den Film spannend zu finden Ein "home run" für den engagierten Fachhändler.
The great Chicago White Sox team of 1919 is the saddest team to ever win a pennent. The team is bitter at their penny pincher owner, Charles Comiskey, and at their own teammates. Gamblers take advantage of this opportunity to offer some players $ to throw the series (Most of the players didn't get as much as promised.) But Buck Weaver and the great Shoeless Joe Jackson turn back at the last minute to try and play their best. The Sox actually almost come back from a 3-1 deficit. 2 years later, the truth breaks out and the Sox are sued on multiple accounts. They are found innocent by the jury but baseball commissioner Landis has other plans. The eight players are suspended for life, and Buck Weaver, for the rest of his life, tries to clear his name.
The great Chicago White Sox team of 1919 is the saddest team to ever win a pennent. The team is bitter at their penny pincher owner, Charles Comiskey, and at their own teammates. Gamblers take advantage of this opportunity to offer some players $ to throw the series (Most of the players didn't get as much as promised.) But Buck Weaver and the great Shoeless Joe Jackson turn back at the last minute to try and play their best. The Sox actually almost come back from a 3-1 deficit. 2 years later, the truth breaks out and the Sox are sued on multiple accounts. They are found innocent by the jury but baseball commissioner Landis has other plans. The eight players are suspended for life, and Buck Weaver, for the rest of his life, tries to clear his name.