Aileen Wuornos: American Boogeywoman
Daniel FarrandsSchauspieler:
Peyton List, Tobin Bell, Lydia Hearst, Nick Vallelonga, Swen Temmel, Meadow Williams, Andrew BiernatUSA 1976: Auf der Flucht vor ihrer Vergangenheit verschlägt es die junge Aileen Wuornos (Peyton List) nach DeLand, Florida, wo sie den vermögenden Witwer Lewis Fell (Tobin Bell) kennenlernt. Der ältere Mann findet schnell Gefallen an der aufgeweckten Blondine und tritt mit ihr vor den Traualtar. Doch sein Umfeld, darunter Tochter Jennifer und sein langjähriger Freund Victor, zweifelt an Aileens Absichten. Als Victor Nachforschungen anstellt, die ihre wahren Pläne aufzudecken drohen, muss er dies mit seinem Leben bezahlen.
Weitere True-Crime-Verfilmung, in "Monster" (2003) subtiler inszeniert.
Based on Aileen Wuornos’s early life, this Is the true story of America’s most notorious female serial killer, who went on a killing spree in Florida in 1989 and 1990. What few people know, is that back in 1976 a young and beautiful Aileen Wuornos arrived in Florida searching for a new life that would help her escape her tragic past, married a wealthy Yacht Club President and had the chance to start again as part of Florida’s high society….or did she?
Based on Aileen Wuornos’s early life, this Is the true story of America’s most notorious female serial killer, who went on a killing spree in Florida in 1989 and 1990. What few people know, is that back in 1976 a young and beautiful Aileen Wuornos arrived in Florida searching for a new life that would help her escape her tragic past, married a wealthy Yacht Club President and had the chance to start again as part of Florida’s high society….or did she?