Akropolis Bonjour - Monsier Thierry macht Urlaub
François UzanSchauspieler:
Jacques Gamblin, Pascale Arbillot, Pablo Pauly, Agnès Hurstel, Ludovik, Nicolas Politis, Manos Gavras, Despoina Hariati, Thanasis Stefosis, Giorgos Papageorgiou, Evi Houvabli, Manolis Mavromatakis, Mariella SavvidouThierry verbringt seine Tage damit, alte Familienfotos zu sichten, in der Überzeugung, dass die beste Zeit seines Lebens bereits hinter ihm liegt. Als seine Frau Claire verkündet, dass sie ihn verlässt, bietet ihr der am Boden zerstörte Thierry an, ihren besten Familienurlaub noch einmal zu erleben. Sie beschließen noch eine Woche zu warten, bis sie ihren Kindern von der Trennung erzählen. Thierry hofft Claire in dieser Zeit noch davon überzeugen zu können, dass sie zusammengehören. Doch bei dem Versuch, die Flamme zwischen ihnen wieder neu zu entfachen, verursacht er nur Chaos.
Leichtfüßige Wohlfühlkomödie von „Lupin“-Autor François Uzan.
Thierry is convinced that the best is behind him. When Claire, his wife, tired of «it was better before», announced that she is leaving him, Thierry, devastated, decided to go back to Greece where they spend their best family holidays 20 years ago. Officially, he wants to spend one last week with their children before announcing their separation. Unofficially, he hopes to win back his wife... By trying to rekindle the flame of his couple, Thierry may well set his family on fire...
Thierry is convinced that the best is behind him. When Claire, his wife, tired of «it was better before», announced that she is leaving him, Thierry, devastated, decided to go back to Greece where they spend their best family holidays 20 years ago. Officially, he wants to spend one last week with their children before announcing their separation. Unofficially, he hopes to win back his wife... By trying to rekindle the flame of his couple, Thierry may well set his family on fire...