Akte Kajínek
Petr JáklSchauspieler:
Konstantin Lavronenko, Tatiana Vilhelmová, Boguslaw Linda, Michal DlouhýBasierend auf einer wahren Geschichte wird Jiri Kajinek, der erste Auftragskiller Tschechiens, vorgestellt. Nachdem er verhaftet und verurteilt wurde, kam Kajinek in das Hochsicherheitsgefängnis Mirov, ihm gelang aber im Jahr 2000 die Flucht. Fünf lange Wochen verbarg er sich vor seinen Hächern. Der Film zeigt Kajinek als einen Mann, der in diesen fünf Wochen versucht, seine Unschuld zu beweisen. Eine junge Anwältin versucht im Dunstkreis der Mafia einen Doppelmord aufzuklären und den meistgesuchten Verbrecher Tschechiens zu entlasten.
Crime thriller inspired by the story of Jiri Kajinek, which is considered the first bounty hunter in the Czech Republic. Thanks to his escape from the prison fortress Mirov it became a legend and the most wanted man in Europe. Five weeks while eluding the police, is still shrouded in mystery. Kajínek Film is a powerful story of the most famous prisoner int the Czech Republic in our story of double murder, the story of lawyer looking for new evidence, the story of the underworld and its penetration into the government and handling of the story. George is a victim of conspiracy or Kajínek cold-blooded killer? Trying to prove his innocence or to intimidate and influence witnesses?
Crime thriller inspired by the story of Jiri Kajinek, which is considered the first bounty hunter in the Czech Republic. Thanks to his escape from the prison fortress Mirov it became a legend and the most wanted man in Europe. Five weeks while eluding the police, is still shrouded in mystery. Kajínek Film is a powerful story of the most famous prisoner int the Czech Republic in our story of double murder, the story of lawyer looking for new evidence, the story of the underworld and its penetration into the government and handling of the story. George is a victim of conspiracy or Kajínek cold-blooded killer? Trying to prove his innocence or to intimidate and influence witnesses?