Albert aus Versehen
Paul HoenSchauspieler:
China Anne McClain, Kelli Berglund, Marshall Williams, Noah Centineo, Ashley Argota, Matt Shively, Roger BartGabbys Freundin Mae Hartley steckt in Schwierigkeiten: Sie hat dem beliebtesten Mädchen der Schule gesagt, dass sie einen Freund hat. Da er aber nicht existiert müssen die beiden Mädchen ihn zuerst erschaffen und zwar ganz nach ihrem eigenen Wunsch. Da hilft Ihnen die neue geheime Maschine von Gabbys Vater gerade und so testen die Beiden unfrewillig ein streng geheimes Regierungsprojekt. Diese sehen das natürlich nicht so gerne und machen Jagd auf die Beiden.
Mae and Gabby are two friends who go everywhere together but they are not very popular in their school. Their classmates always pressure because they have not had a boyfriend so to avoid further setbacks, the girls put in place a plan to create the perfect boyfriend. Both believe that it will be easy to create their perfect guy using the military team building; machinery owned by the father of Mae, the machine works through a wireless keyboard. The machine can create with their settings, a robotic soldier. Of this plan was born Albert an ideal guy to be a perfect boyfriend. He will be the most popular boy of the school.
Mae and Gabby are two friends who go everywhere together but they are not very popular in their school. Their classmates always pressure because they have not had a boyfriend so to avoid further setbacks, the girls put in place a plan to create the perfect boyfriend. Both believe that it will be easy to create their perfect guy using the military team building; machinery owned by the father of Mae, the machine works through a wireless keyboard. The machine can create with their settings, a robotic soldier. Of this plan was born Albert an ideal guy to be a perfect boyfriend. He will be the most popular boy of the school.