Alien Intruder
Ricardo Jacques GaleSchauspieler:
Maxwell Caulfield, Tracy Scoggins, Billy Dee Williams, Gary Roberts, Richard Cody, Stephen Davies, Jeff Conaway, Michael Delano, Rod Britt, Gwen Somers, Melinda Armstrong, Adrianne Sachs, Robert Dryer, Veronica Hart, Lauren HaysIm Jahr 2022: Auf dem Gefängnisplaneten New Alcatraz wählt Commander Skyler aus den gefangenen Schwerverbrechern vier Experten aus, um im galaktischen Nirgendwo einen zerstörten Raumkreuzer zu bergen. Am Ende ihres risikoreichen Einsatzes winkt zwar die Freiheit, doch vor der größten Gefahr warnt die Männer niemand: In dem Wrack hat sich eine außerirdische Intelligenz eingenistet…
Set in the year 2022, a group of convicts sentenced to life in prison are led on a mission into uncharted deep space by Commander Skyler (Williams) to salvage a lost ship. As incentive to go on this dangerous mission, the convicts are given the opportunity to spend their weekends in a virtual reality world where they could live out their sexual fantasies with any woman they choose. However, a woman who is not part of the program appears in it (Scoggins), kills each virtual woman and seduces each convict. When she begins to appear outside the program, the men quickly turn on each other.
Set in the year 2022, a group of convicts sentenced to life in prison are led on a mission into uncharted deep space by Commander Skyler (Williams) to salvage a lost ship. As incentive to go on this dangerous mission, the convicts are given the opportunity to spend their weekends in a virtual reality world where they could live out their sexual fantasies with any woman they choose. However, a woman who is not part of the program appears in it (Scoggins), kills each virtual woman and seduces each convict. When she begins to appear outside the program, the men quickly turn on each other.