Aliens vs. Titanic
Jeff LeroySchauspieler:
Tasha Tacosa, Robert Rhine, Kelly Erin Decker, Victoria De Mare, Brenton Jones, William Gabriel Grier, Jennifur Miller, Layla Price, Shawn C. Phillips, Michael Goulis, Tracy Carr, Jay Woelfel, Rolfe Kanefsky, Rocky Flor, Bree OlsonDie Passagiere des Raumkreuzers Titanic feiern eine wilde Silvester-Party zur Ankunft des neuen Jahres 2140, als das Schiff in einen Meteoritensturm gerät und schwer beschädigt wird. Doch die Meteoriten, die ins Schiff einschlagen, bringen eine gefährliche, außerirdische, parasitäre Lebensform mit sich, die sofort die Überlebenden der Katastrophe angreifen. Als das Schiff schließlich zerstört wird, schaffen es First Officer Lana Vickers und vier Passagiere, die sich in den Laderaum geschlichen hatten, um die Sex-Droge Bliss mitzunehmen, in eine Rettungskapsel und entkommen auf einen unbekannten, aber bewohnbaren Planeten. Einige von ihnen wurden jedoch von den Parasiten bereits infiziert und verwandeln sich nun in sexhungrige außerirdische Monster
Offering only the finest amenities, the ‘TITAN 1C’ space-cruiser is considered the most luxurious star-liner ever built. Future spring-breakers on board are excited to be touring through space with some of the world’s elite. However, a sudden meteor storm smashes into the hull, and a deadly biological alien life form is let loose on the ship. Seeking a suitable host, the retrovirus successfully merges with some the passengers, transforming them into seemingly invincible predators with the “touch of death”. As the ship is destroyed, the surviving passengers crash on a remote planet, and they learn that one of them is “infected”. They must quickly band together before it has a chance to slaughter them all.
Offering only the finest amenities, the ‘TITAN 1C’ space-cruiser is considered the most luxurious star-liner ever built. Future spring-breakers on board are excited to be touring through space with some of the world’s elite. However, a sudden meteor storm smashes into the hull, and a deadly biological alien life form is let loose on the ship. Seeking a suitable host, the retrovirus successfully merges with some the passengers, transforming them into seemingly invincible predators with the “touch of death”. As the ship is destroyed, the surviving passengers crash on a remote planet, and they learn that one of them is “infected”. They must quickly band together before it has a chance to slaughter them all.