Alles Unheil kommt von Oben
Daniel TaplitzSchauspieler:
Aidan Quinn, Courteney Cox, Anthony LaPaglia, Peter Jacobson, Marcia DeBonis, Pamela Gray, Scott Sowers, Jack Gilpin, Amy Sedaris, Tom Aldredge, Alice Drummond, Michael Badalucco, Stu 'Large' Riley, Joanna Going, Shirl Bernheim, Patrick GarnerSeth Warner ist am Ende. Als seine Frau vor zwei Jahren starb, verwandelte sich seine Welt in ein einziges Chaos. Er ist niedergeschlagen, seine Karriere ging den Bach hinunter und sogar sein Haus wurde zerstört. Es scheint ihm nichts mehr zu geben, für dass es sich zu leben lohnt. Nach zwei Jahren voller Durcheinander und Wut, richtete er auf dem Dach seines Apartmenthauses das Wort an Gott. Er will wissen, wieso er von dem Gott betrogen wurde, an den er geglaubt hatte und den er stets in Ehren hielt. Gottes Antwort bestand darin, seinen Hund mit einem Blitzschlag zu töten. Seth erträgt das Alles nicht mehr länger und beginnt, als Antwort auf die Jahre der Qualen, jedes einzelne der Zehn Gebote zu brechen.
Seth Warner has reached the end of his rope. Ever since his wife died two years earlier, his world has been in turmoil. He is despondent, his career has fallen apart, even his house has been destroyed. There seems to be nothing left for him to live for. Confused and angry after two years of suffering, he finally directs his wrath at God from the rooftop of his apartment building in New York City. In the midst of a wild thunderstorm he demands to know why he has been betrayed by the god he has believed in and honored his whole life. God's answer is to strike down Seth's dog in a bolt of lightning. Pushed beyond his limits, Seth decides to respond to his years of torment by breaking each of the biblical Ten Commandments.
Seth Warner has reached the end of his rope. Ever since his wife died two years earlier, his world has been in turmoil. He is despondent, his career has fallen apart, even his house has been destroyed. There seems to be nothing left for him to live for. Confused and angry after two years of suffering, he finally directs his wrath at God from the rooftop of his apartment building in New York City. In the midst of a wild thunderstorm he demands to know why he has been betrayed by the god he has believed in and honored his whole life. God's answer is to strike down Seth's dog in a bolt of lightning. Pushed beyond his limits, Seth decides to respond to his years of torment by breaking each of the biblical Ten Commandments.