Als das Licht ausging...
Hy AverbackSchauspieler:
Doris Day, Terry-Thomas, Patrick O'Neal, Lola Albright, Steve Allen, Jim Backus, Robert MorseStromausfall in New York. Millionen Menschen sitzen im Dunkeln. So auch Waldo Zirrer, der gerade dabei ist, seine Firma um eine größere Summe Geld zu erleichtern. Der schicksalhafte Blackout führt ihn mit der Schauspielerin Margaret Garrison und ihrem Ehemann, dem Architekten Peter Garrison, in deren Haus in Connecticut zusammen.
When the Great Northeast Blackout of 1965 hit, millions of people were left in the dark, including Waldo Zane, a New York executive in the process of stealing a fortune from his company, and two people whose paths he's destined to cross, Broadway actress Margaret Garrison and her husband, Peter.
When the Great Northeast Blackout of 1965 hit, millions of people were left in the dark, including Waldo Zane, a New York executive in the process of stealing a fortune from his company, and two people whose paths he's destined to cross, Broadway actress Margaret Garrison and her husband, Peter.