Als die Frauen noch Schwänze hatten 3
Bruno CorbucciSchauspieler:
Antonio Sabàto, Aldo Giuffrè, Vittorio Caprioli, Nadia Cassini, Renato Rossini, Elio Pandolfi, Pia Giancaro, Gisela Hahn, Lucretia Love, Patrizia AdiutoriIn der Steinzeit findet zwischen den Höhlenmenschen und den Wassermenschen ein aufregendes Turnier statt, dessen Hauptpreis die gutgebaute Listra ist. Bald kämpfen nur noch die beiden Anführer um das Superweib. Da beide die schöne Listra lieben. ringen sie erbittert miteinander, bis der geschmeidige Ari, Chef der Höhlenmenschen, die Siegestrophäe gewinnt. Grev, der Wassermenschen-Chef, will sich rächen und schließt die Wasserquelle, die er erst wieder öffnen will, wenn er Listra doch noch bekommt. Klar, daß bald die schönste Prügelei zwischen den beiden Stämmen im Gang ist, die einst die besten Freunde waren.
Als dieser Krieg immer mehr ausartet, treten die Frauen beider Stämme, von schlauen Listra angestiftet, in einen Sex-Streik.
Prehistoric cave-stud Ari wins lovely virgin Listra in a pig-catching contest, but their attempts at "Ding-Dong" keep getting interrupted by idiot battles between his tribe, The Cave Dwellers, and their neighbors, The Lake Dwellers. Annoyed that hubby would rather make war than Ding-Dong, Listra organizes the women of both tribes to go on strike and "abstain Ding-Dong" until the men stop fighting. It all happens back in the days when men carried clubs and women played ding-dong, an Italian stone-age sex comedy based on the Greek classic "Lysistrata" and filled with shapely cavewomen sporting '70s hairstyles, a gay caveman with the hots for the hero, a title tune that will follow you forever and, of course, plenty of old-fashioned Ding-Dong!
Prehistoric cave-stud Ari wins lovely virgin Listra in a pig-catching contest, but their attempts at "Ding-Dong" keep getting interrupted by idiot battles between his tribe, The Cave Dwellers, and their neighbors, The Lake Dwellers. Annoyed that hubby would rather make war than Ding-Dong, Listra organizes the women of both tribes to go on strike and "abstain Ding-Dong" until the men stop fighting. It all happens back in the days when men carried clubs and women played ding-dong, an Italian stone-age sex comedy based on the Greek classic "Lysistrata" and filled with shapely cavewomen sporting '70s hairstyles, a gay caveman with the hots for the hero, a title tune that will follow you forever and, of course, plenty of old-fashioned Ding-Dong!