Am fernen Horizont
Rudolph MatéSchauspieler:
Fred MacMurray, Charlton Heston, Donna Reed, Barbara Hale, William Demarest, Alan Reed, Eduardo Noriega, Larry Pennell, Argentina BrunettiZu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts versucht die noch junge Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten, immer mehr Land zu erwerben und zu erkunden. So schickt Präsident Jefferson eine Gruppe von Männern unter der Leitung von Captain Lewis nach Louisiana, um in diesem unberührten Flecken Erde einen Seeweg zum Pazifik zu finden.
United States has just acquired Louisiana from France. An expedition led by Lewis and Clark is sent to survey the territory and go where no white man has gone before. Are they able to overcome the dangers with the help of Sacajawea?
United States has just acquired Louisiana from France. An expedition led by Lewis and Clark is sent to survey the territory and go where no white man has gone before. Are they able to overcome the dangers with the help of Sacajawea?