Among the Living - Das Böse ist hier
Alexandre Bustillo, Julien MaurySchauspieler:
Francis Renaud, Anne Marivin, Théo Fernandez, Zacharie ChasseriaudDas Schuljahr neigt sich dem Ende entgegen und die drei Freunde Tom (Zacharie Chasseriaud), Dan (Damien Ferdel) und Victor (Theo Fernandez) können es gar nicht erwarten, den öden Schulalltag endlich gegen die langerwarteten Sommerferien einzutauschen. Darum beschließen die Jungen schnurstracks den letzten Schultag sausen zu lassen und verfrüht in die Ferien zu starten. Auf ihrem Abenteuer landen die Schulschwänzer schließlich auf dem verlassenen Gelände der Blackwood Filmstudios. Als die Jungs im Kofferraum eines vor kurzem abgestellten Autos eine gefesselte und geknebelte Frau finden, wird ihnen schlagartig bewusst, dass das Gelände nicht so verlassen ist, wie es scheint. Ein maskierter Mann ist nicht nur hinter der Frau sondern auch hinter den Kindern her, um sein schreckliches Geheimnis zu bewahren.
It’s a warm and dry summer. Dan, Tom and Victor, three inseparable adolescents, take advantage of the last day of school to wander in the countryside. They jump with joy when they discover an abandoned old film studio, whose many corridors and halls are just begging to be explored. What they don’t know is that their new playing ground serves as a refuge for Isaac and Klarence Shooter, a man and his strange son who are determined to stop the trio from setting their eyes on their dark secrets. Night falls. Our friends are home again. But they soon realize that something has followed them. This night will be the longest of their young lives. And it very doubtful they’ll ever see the light of day again.
It’s a warm and dry summer. Dan, Tom and Victor, three inseparable adolescents, take advantage of the last day of school to wander in the countryside. They jump with joy when they discover an abandoned old film studio, whose many corridors and halls are just begging to be explored. What they don’t know is that their new playing ground serves as a refuge for Isaac and Klarence Shooter, a man and his strange son who are determined to stop the trio from setting their eyes on their dark secrets. Night falls. Our friends are home again. But they soon realize that something has followed them. This night will be the longest of their young lives. And it very doubtful they’ll ever see the light of day again.