An American Terror
Haylar GarciaSchauspieler:
Graham Emmons, Louise Macdonald, Joe Abplanalp, Jennifer Wilde, Kathryn Gould, Troy Alan, Michael Haskins, Taylor Hulett, Patrick SheridanAls Gothic Freaks ohne Kontakte zu den Reichen und Coolen zählen Josh und seine beiden Kumpels zu den allseits gemobbten Außenseitern an ihrer provinziellen amerikanischen High School. Als die Übergriff der Sportskanonen das Fass zum überlaufen bringen, beschließt das Trio, sich auf wenig subtile Weise mit einem Amoklauf zu rächen. Die Waffen dafür wollen sie aus einem Schrottplatzkeller stibitzen, ohne zu ahnen, dass dieser einem brutalen Serienkiller gehört. Und der dreht die Knaben schlimmer durch den Wolf, als ein Mobber es je könnte.
Gut gemachte Mischung aus atmosphärisch dichtem High-School-Drama und Elementen des Folterhorrors.
Josh wakes each day to a series of Hells. Between uncaring parents and bullying at school he has little to live for. After a brutal event and ensuing humiliation of an online video, Josh and his friends decide to take revenge by staging a massacre at the homecoming dance. Searching for weapons, they find a man who perpetuates a far more murderous darkness than even their plot might suggest. Trapped in his lair, and finding a kidnapped girl from the opposite clique, the boys learn a lot about each other’s character and their own. Even if Josh can rescue the captive cheerleader, he must still lead them both out in time to stop his friend from completing the pact to massacre their school. An American Terror is an explosive and surprising modern day horror mash-up. Totally and relentlessly disquieting – great atmosphere and sound and perfectly gruesome.
Josh wakes each day to a series of Hells. Between uncaring parents and bullying at school he has little to live for. After a brutal event and ensuing humiliation of an online video, Josh and his friends decide to take revenge by staging a massacre at the homecoming dance. Searching for weapons, they find a man who perpetuates a far more murderous darkness than even their plot might suggest. Trapped in his lair, and finding a kidnapped girl from the opposite clique, the boys learn a lot about each other’s character and their own. Even if Josh can rescue the captive cheerleader, he must still lead them both out in time to stop his friend from completing the pact to massacre their school. An American Terror is an explosive and surprising modern day horror mash-up. Totally and relentlessly disquieting – great atmosphere and sound and perfectly gruesome.