Anfang 80
Gerhard Ertl, Sabine HieblerSchauspieler:
Christine Ostermayer, Karl Merkatz, Erni Mangold, Branko SamarovskiAls Bruno und Rosa sich zum ersten Mal begegnen, verlieben sie sich sofort ineinander. Beide befinden sich mit Anfang 80 bereits in ihrem letzten Lebensabschnitt: Rosa hat Krebs und nicht mehr viel Zeit; Bruno hat sich mit einem eintönigen Alltag ohne Höhen und Tiefen abgefunden. Dennoch sagen sie Ja zueinander und ihrer Liebe. Sie brechen aus ihren gewohnten Strukturen aus - Bruno aus seiner Ehe und Rosa aus ihrer Pflegeeinrichtung - und erleben zusammen unvergessliche Momente, die jedes Wagnis wert sind.
Does luck have a use by date? Both thought that at eighty they have experienced everything until, like a bolt of lightening, Rosa and Bruno come together and immediately fall head over heels. There are two obstacles to their happiness though: Bruno’s marriage, which has long been routine, and Rosa’s illness; she has cancer and not long left to live. Despite the difficult circumstances, the two decide to breakaway – Bruno from his relationship and Rosa from her retirement home. Against the advice of carers, doctors and relatives, the pair moves into a new apartment together. ANFANG 80 shows with a great deal of unequivocal humour how insensitively and sometimes desperately overburdened society reacts to love among the elderly.
Does luck have a use by date? Both thought that at eighty they have experienced everything until, like a bolt of lightening, Rosa and Bruno come together and immediately fall head over heels. There are two obstacles to their happiness though: Bruno’s marriage, which has long been routine, and Rosa’s illness; she has cancer and not long left to live. Despite the difficult circumstances, the two decide to breakaway – Bruno from his relationship and Rosa from her retirement home. Against the advice of carers, doctors and relatives, the pair moves into a new apartment together. ANFANG 80 shows with a great deal of unequivocal humour how insensitively and sometimes desperately overburdened society reacts to love among the elderly.