Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung
Willard HuyckSchauspieler:
Eddie Murphy, Dudley Moore, Kate Capshaw, George DzundzaIn dieser schnellen Action-Komödie beweist der Starkomiker Eddie Murphy zusammen mit Dudley Moore erneut sein Supertalent. Beide sind verantwortlich für einen neuen "Wunderpanzer" der von Leutnant Landry in Kuwait den Arabern vorgestellt wird. Und dabei geht alles schief, was nur schief gehen kann, denn die Pläne waren dem Ingenieur Cooper vom russischen KGB mit Konstruktionsfehlern untergeschoben worden und keiner der Verantwortlichen hatte dies bemerkt. Im Gegenteil: Cooper wird für "seine" Erfindung als Held der Herstellerfirma gefeiert und befördert. Seine Ehefrau Laura zeigt auch plötzlich wieder Interesse an ihm.... Während Leutnant Landry verzweifelt mit dem "Wunderpanzer" kämpft...
Wylie is a lazy engineer. Landry is a Sergeant specialising in Armour. They have never met but their lives become entangled when Landry must take the tank Wylie designed into combat. Wylie is waiting for his employer to go out of business when he meets another engineer who gives him a disk with the plans for a system that will save his employer. The other engineer is dead moments later leaving Wylie with the disk and credit for the design. Suddenly Wylie is no longer a hack, but the saviour of his company and finds his life is no longer the same.
Wylie is a lazy engineer. Landry is a Sergeant specialising in Armour. They have never met but their lives become entangled when Landry must take the tank Wylie designed into combat. Wylie is waiting for his employer to go out of business when he meets another engineer who gives him a disk with the plans for a system that will save his employer. The other engineer is dead moments later leaving Wylie with the disk and credit for the design. Suddenly Wylie is no longer a hack, but the saviour of his company and finds his life is no longer the same.