Armando BoSchauspieler:
Guillermo Francella, Carla Peterson, Gloria Carrá, Marcelo Subiotto, Mercedes De Santis, Federico Salles, Majo Chicar, Joaquín Flammini, Veronica CalvoAntonio Decoud ist ein konservativer Familienvater, der durch das Schicksal gezwungen ist, sich einer unerwarteten Situation zu stellen, die ihn bis ins Mark erschüttert, sein Leben und seine Prioritäten durcheinander bringt, ihn dazu drängt, seine Überzeugungen und seine Art, das Leben zu verstehen, zu vergessen und dem grundlegendsten Instinkt zu folgen: dem animalischen Instinkt.
Antonio Decoud is a conservative family man who is forced by destiny to face an unexpected situation that shakes him to the core, scrambling up his life and his priorities, pushing him to forget his beliefs and his way of understanding life and follow the most basic instinct: the animal instinct.
Antonio Decoud is a conservative family man who is forced by destiny to face an unexpected situation that shakes him to the core, scrambling up his life and his priorities, pushing him to forget his beliefs and his way of understanding life and follow the most basic instinct: the animal instinct.