Animal - Gewalt hat einen Namen
David J. BurkeSchauspieler:
Terrence Howard, Ving Rhames, Jim Brown, Chazz PalminteriAls ein brutaler Krimineller mit dem Spitznamen "Animal" ins Gefängnis kommt, lässt er seine Frau und den gemeinsamen Sohn Darius in der freien Welt zurück. Da sich seine Ansichten hinter Gittern verändern, will er nach der Haftstrafe seinen Sohn vor dem Schicksal des Vaters bewahren.
His name: infamous. His reputation: ruthless. But when James "Animal"Allen is locked up in a maximum security prison, he meets a revolutionary who changes his life. Now a reformed man, James is released only to find that his own son has assumed a life of crime and violence. Can a father haunted by his past redeem his family from the very streets he created, or will he be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice?
His name: infamous. His reputation: ruthless. But when James "Animal"Allen is locked up in a maximum security prison, he meets a revolutionary who changes his life. Now a reformed man, James is released only to find that his own son has assumed a life of crime and violence. Can a father haunted by his past redeem his family from the very streets he created, or will he be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice?