Mel GibsonSchauspieler:
Rudy Youngblood, Raoul Max Trujillo, Gerardo Taracena, Iazua Larios, Antonio Monroy, María Isabel Díaz, Dalia Hernández, Jonathan Brewer, Morris Birdyellowhead, Carlos Emilio Báez, Amilcar Ramírez, Israel Contreras, Israel Ríos, Espiridion Acosta Cache, Mayra Serbulo, Rodolfo Palacios15. Jahrhundert, vor dem Einfall der Spanier in Mittelamerika. Ein Maya-Stamm lebt in idyllischer Harmonie, als der Friede von Eindringlingen gewalttätig unterbrochen wird: Die besten Frauen und Männer werden brutal verschleppt und sollen in der Maya-Hauptstadt entweder verkauft oder geopfert werden. Nur der junge Jaguarpfote kann entkommen, angetrieben von der Hoffnung, seine hochschwangere Frau und seinen kleinen Sohn wiederzusehen. Doch seine Häscher sind ihm auf den Fersen.
Mel Gibson martialische filmische Aufarbeitung des Untergangs einer Maya-Kultur.
Set in the Mayan civilization, when a man's idyllic presence is brutally disrupted by a violent invading force, he is taken on a perilous journey to a world ruled by fear and oppression where a harrowing end awaits him. Through a twist of fate and spurred by the power of his love for his woman and his family he will make a desperate break to return home and to ultimately save his way of life.
Set in the Mayan civilization, when a man's idyllic presence is brutally disrupted by a violent invading force, he is taken on a perilous journey to a world ruled by fear and oppression where a harrowing end awaits him. Through a twist of fate and spurred by the power of his love for his woman and his family he will make a desperate break to return home and to ultimately save his way of life.