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Fatih AkinSchauspieler:
Baki Davrak, Tuncel Kurtiz, Hanna Schygulla, Patrycia Ziolkowska, Nursel Köse, Yelda Reynaud, Nurgül YeşilçayDer Bremer Rentner Ali (Tuncel Kurtiz) zahlt der Prostituierten Yeter (Nursel Köse) runde Sümmchen, damit sie ihm daheim Gesellschaft leistet. Sein Sohn, Germanistikprofessor Nejat (Baki Davrak), freundet sich mit ihr an und begibt sich nach einem tragischen Unfall auf die Suche nach ihrer Tochter in der Türkei. Die heißt Ayten (Nurgül Yesilçay), ist politische Aktivistin und taucht in Deutschland unter, wo sie der aus gutem Hause stammenden Lotte (Patrycia Ziolkowska) den Kopf verdreht. Lottes Mutter (Hanna Schygulla) ist das gar nicht recht.
Nach seinem Kritiker- und Publikumserfolg "Gegen die Wand" schlägt Fatih Akin im zweiten Teil der "Liebe, Tod und Teufel"-Trilogie besinnlichere Töne an. Seine Reise zwischen den Kulturen weist ein famoses Ensemble auf und eine Struktur, die "Babel" nahe kommt.
Nejat seems disapproving about his widower father Ali's choice of prostitute Yeter for a live-in girlfriend. But he grows fond of her when he discovers she sends money home to Turkey for her daughter's university studies. Yeter's sudden death distances father and son. Nejat travels to Istanbul to search for Yeter's daughter Ayten. Political activist Ayten has fled the Turkish police and is already in Germany. She is befriended by a young woman, Lotte, who invites rebellious Ayten to stay in her home, a gesture not particularly pleasing to her conservative mother Susanne. When Ayten is arrested and her asylum plea is denied, she is deported and imprisoned in Turkey. Lotte travels to Turkey,where she gets caught up in the seemingly hopeless situation of freeing Ayten.
Nejat seems disapproving about his widower father Ali's choice of prostitute Yeter for a live-in girlfriend. But he grows fond of her when he discovers she sends money home to Turkey for her daughter's university studies. Yeter's sudden death distances father and son. Nejat travels to Istanbul to search for Yeter's daughter Ayten. Political activist Ayten has fled the Turkish police and is already in Germany. She is befriended by a young woman, Lotte, who invites rebellious Ayten to stay in her home, a gesture not particularly pleasing to her conservative mother Susanne. When Ayten is arrested and her asylum plea is denied, she is deported and imprisoned in Turkey. Lotte travels to Turkey,where she gets caught up in the seemingly hopeless situation of freeing Ayten.