Auf der Jagd nach dem Juwel vom Nil
Lewis TeagueSchauspieler:
Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, Danny DeVito, Spiros Focás, Avner Eisenberg, Paul David Magid, Howard Jay Patterson, Randall Edwin Nelson, Samuel Ross Williams, Timothy Daniel Furst, Hamid Fillali, Holland Taylor, Guy Cuevas, Peter DePalma, Mark Daly RichardsAuf der Jagd nach dem Juwel vom Nil geraten die beiden Globetrotter Joan und Jack vom Regen in die Traufe. Gehetzt von wilden Wüstenhorden, verhext von wirbelnden Derwischen und gefangen in den düsteren Kerkern eines machthungrigen Scheichs - Katastrophe reiht sich an Katastrophe. Auch der leicht beschränkte und geldgierige Ralph ist wieder mit von der turbulenten "Jagd-Partie". Er scheut auch diesmal vor keiner Verrücktheit zurück, um sich in den Besitz des "Juwels" zu bringen ...
Joan Wilder is thrust back into a world of murder, chases, foreign intrigue... and love. This time out she's duped by a duplicitous Arab dignitary who brings her to the Middle East, ostensibly to write a book about his life. Of course he's up to no good, and Joan is just another pawn in his wicked game. But Jack Colton and his sidekick Ralph show up to help our intrepid heroine save the day.
Joan Wilder is thrust back into a world of murder, chases, foreign intrigue... and love. This time out she's duped by a duplicitous Arab dignitary who brings her to the Middle East, ostensibly to write a book about his life. Of course he's up to no good, and Joan is just another pawn in his wicked game. But Jack Colton and his sidekick Ralph show up to help our intrepid heroine save the day.