Auf Distanz
Iñaki DorronsoroSchauspieler:
Miguel Ángel Silvestre, José Coronado, Federico Luppi, Belén LópezAls ein junger Boxer für einen Mord inhaftiert wird, den er nicht begangen hat, ist er den Machenschaften eines korrupten Polizisten hilflos ausgeliefert. Er wird dazu gezwungen einen Mitinsassen zu töten. Der Aufenthalt im Gefängnis macht aus dem defensiven Kämpfer einen potenziellen Champion. Seine Schuld kann er nur noch im Ring vergessen und in den Armen seiner Freundin Raquel, die Witwe des Mannes, den er zu töten gezwungen war. Auf der Suche nach Erlösung findet er den Triumph. Doch die Schatten der Vergangenheit holen ihn wieder ein.
Daniel, a young boxer on the point of winning the title several times, is beaten yet again and commits a robbery that lands him in jail. Guillermo, a self-destructive policeman tormented by his latent homosexuality, blackmails Daniel into committing a murder behind bars. In exchange, Daniel gains his freedom and returns to the only thing he knows how to do: box. But this time the search for pain to relieve the guilt has made his conservative style more aggressive. He remembers the last conversation he had with the man he killed, when he talked about his wife, just another whore in the club he ran, and goes to meet her. Seeing danger in the relationship between the victim's murderer and his widow, Guillermo tries to stop it.
Daniel, a young boxer on the point of winning the title several times, is beaten yet again and commits a robbery that lands him in jail. Guillermo, a self-destructive policeman tormented by his latent homosexuality, blackmails Daniel into committing a murder behind bars. In exchange, Daniel gains his freedom and returns to the only thing he knows how to do: box. But this time the search for pain to relieve the guilt has made his conservative style more aggressive. He remembers the last conversation he had with the man he killed, when he talked about his wife, just another whore in the club he ran, and goes to meet her. Seeing danger in the relationship between the victim's murderer and his widow, Guillermo tries to stop it.