Away and Back - Der Weg der Schwäne
Jeff BlecknerSchauspieler:
Jason Lee, Minka Kelly, Maggie Elizabeth Jones, Jaren LewisonPetelebt als Witwer und alleinerziehender Vater von drei Kindern auf dem Land. Seine tierbegeisterte Tochter findet ein Nest mit Eiern einer seltenen Schwanenart. Doch bei einem Unfall stirbt die Vogelmutter. Letzte Hoffnung für die Küken ist die Biologin Ginny . Dumm nur, dass sich Pete und Ginny überhaupt nicht leiden können. Im Kampf um das Leben der Schwanenbabys fliegen zwischen den beiden bald die Fetzen. -
When a family of swans make their home on the Peterson farm, it’s love at first sight for 10-year-old daughter Frankie. But along comes no-nonsense ornithologist Ginny Newsom, who rushes in to “save” the majestic birds. For Frankie’s dad Jack, it’s dislike at first sight when he encounters pushy, know-it-all Ginny. Frankie and her brothers are anything but neutral observers as they watch the initial hostility between their widowed father and the strong-willed Ginny transform into something else. Could that be romance in the air?
When a family of swans make their home on the Peterson farm, it’s love at first sight for 10-year-old daughter Frankie. But along comes no-nonsense ornithologist Ginny Newsom, who rushes in to “save” the majestic birds. For Frankie’s dad Jack, it’s dislike at first sight when he encounters pushy, know-it-all Ginny. Frankie and her brothers are anything but neutral observers as they watch the initial hostility between their widowed father and the strong-willed Ginny transform into something else. Could that be romance in the air?