Bangkok Haunted
Oxide Pang Chun, Pisut PraesangeamSchauspieler:
Pimsiree Pimsee, Pramote Seangsorn, Dawan Singha-Wee, Kalyanut Sriboonrueng, Pete Thong-JeurDrei Frauen erzählen sich in einem abgelegenen Lokal drei unheimliche Geschichten:
Als erstes die Geschichte von Jieb, die eine mysteriöse Antiquität erhält, eine 75 Jahre alte Trommel. Als sie dadurch plötzlich von Alpträumen gequält wird, geht sie der Geschichte der Trommel auf den Grund und muss etwas gar Fürchterliches erfahren.
Die zweite Geschichte handelt von Pan, einer liebeshungrigen Frau, die sich durch eine mysteriöse Flüssigkeit die Männer willig macht. Leider hat das Zauberelixier aber einige fatale Nebenwirkungen.
Und zum Schluss die Geschichte von Nop, einem Polizisten der den Selbstmord einer jungen Frau untersuchen soll. Bei den Nachforschungen gerät er plötzlich in größte Gefahr und erfährt Fakten, die keiner für möglich gehalten hat!
Three young women gathered in a coffee bar in Bangkok tell and discuss three original ghost stories with each other. The first tale: In Bangkok, the young Jieb receives an ancient drum not listed in the order from the truck of Transportation Company owned by Mr. Anake. She calls her former Professor Arkom, who identifies the markings for good luck that she describes and tells the story of the orphan Paga. In 1917, the renowned music teacher Jangwah-Chuem and his wife Peng raise the beautiful Paga with their deformed son Gnod. Paga is a good and loving sister and daughter and becomes a great beautiful dancer. When Paga falls in love for the handsome Fond, the jealous Gnod and she vanish from their village. Jieb investigates the mystery of their disappearance and discloses the eerie truth with tragic consequences. The second tale: The gorgeous Pam receives a sample from her next-door neighbor of a love potion that makes the user irresistible to men...
Three young women gathered in a coffee bar in Bangkok tell and discuss three original ghost stories with each other. The first tale: In Bangkok, the young Jieb receives an ancient drum not listed in the order from the truck of Transportation Company owned by Mr. Anake. She calls her former Professor Arkom, who identifies the markings for good luck that she describes and tells the story of the orphan Paga. In 1917, the renowned music teacher Jangwah-Chuem and his wife Peng raise the beautiful Paga with their deformed son Gnod. Paga is a good and loving sister and daughter and becomes a great beautiful dancer. When Paga falls in love for the handsome Fond, the jealous Gnod and she vanish from their village. Jieb investigates the mystery of their disappearance and discloses the eerie truth with tragic consequences. The second tale: The gorgeous Pam receives a sample from her next-door neighbor of a love potion that makes the user irresistible to men...