Christian PetzoldSchauspieler:
Ronald Zehrfeld, Rainer Bock, Christina Hecke, Nina HossSommer 1980. Barbara hat einen Ausreiseantrag gestellt. Sie ist Ärztin, nun wird sie strafversetzt, aus der Hauptstadt in ein kleines Krankenhaus tief in der Provinz, weitab von allem. Jörg, ihr Geliebter aus dem Westen, arbeitet an der Vorbereitung ihrer Flucht, die Ostsee ist eine Möglichkeit. Barbara wartet. Die neue Wohnung, die Nachbarn, der Sommer und das Land, all das berührt sie nicht mehr. Sie arbeitet in der Kinderchirurgie unter Leitung ihres neuen Chefs Andre, aufmerksam gegenüber den Patienten, distanziert zu den Kollegen. Ihre Zukunft fängt später an. Andre verwirrt sie. Sein Vertrauen in ihre beruflichen Fähigkeiten, seine Fürsorge, sein Lächeln. Warum deckt er ihr Engagement für die junge Ausreißerin Stella? Ist er auf sie angesetzt? Ist er verliebt? Barbara beginnt die Kontrolle zu verlieren. Über sich, über ihre Pläne, über die Liebe. Der Tag ihrer geplanten Flucht steht kurz bevor.
Summer, 1980. Barbara, a doctor, has applied for an exit visa from the GDR (East Germany). Now, as punishment, she has been transferred from Berlin to a small hospital out in the country, far from everything. Jörg, her lover from the West, is already planning her escape. Barbara waits, keeping to herself. The new apartment, the neighbors, summertime, the countryside – none of that means anything to her. Working as a pediatric surgeon under her new boss Andre, she is attentive when it comes to the patients, but quite distanced toward her colleagues. Her future, she feels, will begin later. But Andre confuses her. His confidence in her professional abilities, his caring attitude, his smile. Why does he cover for her when she helps the young runaway Sarah? Does he have an assignment to keep track of her? Is he in love? But as the day of her planned escape quickly approaches, Barbara starts to lose control. Over herself, her plans, over love.
Summer, 1980. Barbara, a doctor, has applied for an exit visa from the GDR (East Germany). Now, as punishment, she has been transferred from Berlin to a small hospital out in the country, far from everything. Jörg, her lover from the West, is already planning her escape. Barbara waits, keeping to herself. The new apartment, the neighbors, summertime, the countryside – none of that means anything to her. Working as a pediatric surgeon under her new boss Andre, she is attentive when it comes to the patients, but quite distanced toward her colleagues. Her future, she feels, will begin later. But Andre confuses her. His confidence in her professional abilities, his caring attitude, his smile. Why does he cover for her when she helps the young runaway Sarah? Does he have an assignment to keep track of her? Is he in love? But as the day of her planned escape quickly approaches, Barbara starts to lose control. Over herself, her plans, over love.