Battle Angel Alita
Hiroshi FukutomiSchauspieler:
Mami Koyama, Shunsuke Kariya, Kappei YamaguchiDie Welt ist in zwei Teile geteilt. In Zalem, die schwebende Stadt, in der nur die Reichen und Schönen wohnen und in den Bereich unter Zalem, wo der menschliche Abschaum lebt. Das sind Diebe, Invaliden, Gladiatoren, Kopfgeldjäger, Mörder und Cyborgs. Deren einziges Ziel ist es, soviel Geld zusammen zu bekommen, dass sie sich den Zutritt nach Zalem erkaufen können. Aber ein paar vereinzelte Wesen leben dort freiwillig, wie der geniale Mechaniker und Jäger Ido und die schöne Chiren, die nur auf eine Gelegenheit wartet, um wieder ins Paradies zurückkehren zu dürfen. Eines Tages findet Ido die noch brauchbaren Überreste eines Cyborgs - Gally. Er baut sie wieder zusammen, doch schon bald wird Gally von ihrer Vergangenheit eingeholt und offenbart ihr dunkles Geheimnis.
A Hunter Warrior and cyborg healer named Ido formerly lived in the floating land of Zalem, the paradise that hovers above the refuse heap of Scrap Iron City in which he now resides with his former lover, Chiren. In his travels as a bounty hunter — killing spine thieves in a world in which human nerve tissue has become the most precious commodity — Ido one day discovers and repairs the remnants of a cyborg whom he names Gally. Though possessing the body of a young woman, Gally now embodies Ido's most sophisticated and lethal cybernetic skills. The preternaturally strong, amnesiac Gally begins to forge a life for herself in a world where every day is a struggle for survival. Based on the first two volumes of the manga.
A Hunter Warrior and cyborg healer named Ido formerly lived in the floating land of Zalem, the paradise that hovers above the refuse heap of Scrap Iron City in which he now resides with his former lover, Chiren. In his travels as a bounty hunter — killing spine thieves in a world in which human nerve tissue has become the most precious commodity — Ido one day discovers and repairs the remnants of a cyborg whom he names Gally. Though possessing the body of a young woman, Gally now embodies Ido's most sophisticated and lethal cybernetic skills. The preternaturally strong, amnesiac Gally begins to forge a life for herself in a world where every day is a struggle for survival. Based on the first two volumes of the manga.