Gregor SchnitzlerSchauspieler:
Alicia von Rittberg, Christoph Letkowski, Ulrich Brandhoff, Nina Gummich, Tom Mikulla, Julia Riedler, Noah Saavedra, Jörg Hartmann, Marie Hacke, Torsten Ranft, Claudia Geisler, Lina Hoppe, Julia-Maria KöhlerWeimar 1921: Das Leben der 20-jährigen Lotte Brendel scheint vorbestimmt zu sein. Ihr Vater sieht sie als künftige Ehefrau und Mutter an der Seite eines Mannes, der den elterlichen Tischlereibetrieb übernehmen soll. Doch die eigenwillige und künstlerisch begabte Lotte schließt sich gegen den Willen ihrer Familie einer Gruppe junger Künstler an, bewirbt sich am Bauhaus und wird angenommen.
Weimar 1921: The life of 20-year-old Lotte Brendel seems to be predetermined. Her father sees her as a future wife and mother on the side of a man who is to take over the parental carpentry business. But the idiosyncratic Lotte joins a group of young artists against the will of her family, applies at the Bauhaus and is accepted. The Weimar Bauhaus, under the direction of the visionary Walter Gropius, aspires not only to combine arts and crafts, but also to find the place for the "New Man". In the student Paul Seligmann Lotte finds a supporter and her great love.
Weimar 1921: The life of 20-year-old Lotte Brendel seems to be predetermined. Her father sees her as a future wife and mother on the side of a man who is to take over the parental carpentry business. But the idiosyncratic Lotte joins a group of young artists against the will of her family, applies at the Bauhaus and is accepted. The Weimar Bauhaus, under the direction of the visionary Walter Gropius, aspires not only to combine arts and crafts, but also to find the place for the "New Man". In the student Paul Seligmann Lotte finds a supporter and her great love.