Lars KokemüllerSchauspieler:
Lisa Eschenbrenner, Virginia Roncalli, Maren Kraus, Hannah BortzSieben junge Straftäterinnen müssen in einem verfluchten Wald Müll sammeln, um Sozialstunden abzuleisten. Angeleitet werden sie von einer über-enthusiastischen Sozialarbeiterin. Ein Amalgam aus Folk-Horror und Teenager-Komödie, erzählt in Flashbacks die Geschichten der Protagonistinnen.
A delightful dark comedy about a group of girls who accidentally kill someone. Seven young female criminals, led by an over-enthusiastic social worker, work off community service hours by collecting garbage in a haunted forest when they accidentally kill someone. Flashbacks tell their backstories in a mix of folk-horror and teen comedy.
A delightful dark comedy about a group of girls who accidentally kill someone. Seven young female criminals, led by an over-enthusiastic social worker, work off community service hours by collecting garbage in a haunted forest when they accidentally kill someone. Flashbacks tell their backstories in a mix of folk-horror and teen comedy.