Benni, der Lausebengel
Johan NijenhuisSchauspieler:
Koen Dobbelaer, Marijn Bekkenk, Hanna Verboom, Koert-Jan de BruijnBenni ist ein echter Lausebengel. Obwohl er ein ganz normaler Junge ist, sorgt er immer wieder für Chaos. Und Benni vermisst seinen Vater, der in Spanien für die Familie Geld verdienen muss. Wäre sein Vater nur zur Hause, denkt Benni, dann wäre das Leben doch viel schöner. Da hat Benni eine geniale Idee! Jedes Jahr bringt Sinterklaas allen braven Kindern Geschenke, doch die frechen Kinder, die steckt er in einen großen Sack und nimmt sie mit nach Spanien. Deshalb beschließt Benni der frechste Junge des Städtchens zu werden... Was ist eigentlich frech? „Benni, der Lausebengel“ ist ein witziger Film für Klein und Groß, der dieser Frage auf den Grund geht. Rasant erzählt und liebevoll ausgestattet!
Fisherman’s son Benjamin - Bennie - Stout is a boy with a heart of gold who always gets himself into trouble. His St. Nicholas wish list includes a pedal car, just like the one the sneaky mayor’s son Roderick has. These are the depression years in the 1930s and because the haul falls short, his father stays in Spain a little longer to earn some extra money. Bennie now only has one wish left: that his father will come home. If need be, he will go and get him from Spain himself. He catches Roderick erasing his name from the Bad Children list in St. Nicholas’ Great Book when an idea occurs to him. He quickly adds his name to the list, which lands him a place in St. Nicholas’ bag. But the saint does not understand that Bennie doesn’t mind going to Spain.
Fisherman’s son Benjamin - Bennie - Stout is a boy with a heart of gold who always gets himself into trouble. His St. Nicholas wish list includes a pedal car, just like the one the sneaky mayor’s son Roderick has. These are the depression years in the 1930s and because the haul falls short, his father stays in Spain a little longer to earn some extra money. Bennie now only has one wish left: that his father will come home. If need be, he will go and get him from Spain himself. He catches Roderick erasing his name from the Bad Children list in St. Nicholas’ Great Book when an idea occurs to him. He quickly adds his name to the list, which lands him a place in St. Nicholas’ bag. But the saint does not understand that Bennie doesn’t mind going to Spain.