Berliner Bettwurst
Rosa von PraunheimSchauspieler:
Luzi Kryn, Dietmar Kracht, Berryt Bohlen, Wolfgang MackeDie Geschichte des Liebespaares Luzi und Dietmar aus "Die Bettwurst" findet ihre Fortsetzung: Ein Ehe- und Einrichtungsdarlehen lockt die beiden nach Berlin, dort wird in der Gedächtniskirche geheiratet. Ein Preisausschreiben bringt Urlaub auf Mallorca, doch zurück im Alltag kriselt es in der jungen Ehe. Dietmar besucht mit dem Transvestiten Sonja eine Sexkommune, Luzi trauert mit einer Freundin um die ostpreußische Heimat und lässt sich von einem Playboy in die Luxuswelt des Showgeschäfts entführen.
In this sequel to Die Bettwurst, Dietmar and Luzi are a somewhat unorthodox couple, who live and fight with tremendous enthusiasm. The unusual nature of their liaison is signalled by the fact that Dietmar is bisexual and is completely unable to remain faithful to Luzi. Dietmar also has his own, personal dialect of German. Luzi, on the other hand, is coziness personified. No matter, in this film they get married at the Memorial Church in Berlin. Infuriated at his playing around, Luzi briefly splits up with him, but when her dog dies of poisoning, he is there to comfort her.
In this sequel to Die Bettwurst, Dietmar and Luzi are a somewhat unorthodox couple, who live and fight with tremendous enthusiasm. The unusual nature of their liaison is signalled by the fact that Dietmar is bisexual and is completely unable to remain faithful to Luzi. Dietmar also has his own, personal dialect of German. Luzi, on the other hand, is coziness personified. No matter, in this film they get married at the Memorial Church in Berlin. Infuriated at his playing around, Luzi briefly splits up with him, but when her dog dies of poisoning, he is there to comfort her.