Besuch von einem kleinen Planeten
Norman TaurogSchauspieler:
Jerry Lewis, Joan Blackman, Earl Holliman, Fred ClarkKreton, ein etwas ausgeflippter Außerirdischer, der die irdische Geschichte studiert hat, landet in der Uniform eines Südstaaten-Offiziers im Garten eines TV-Kommentators, der sich kurz zuvor noch über angebliche UFO-Sichtungen lustig gemacht hat. Da man gerade einen Maskenball feiert, lädt man Kreton zu sich ein, aber seine speziellen Fähigkeiten machen dem Hausherrn bald klar, dass er es tatsächlich mit einem Alien zu tun hat.
The weirdest alien of the galaxy pays a visit to Earth... Jerry Lewis is Kreton, a childish alien who, against his teacher's will leaves his planet to visit the Earth, and lands in the backyard of a famous television journalist who doesn't believe in U.F.O's and aliens. Wanting to study humans but not able to fully understand them, Kreton makes a mess out of it, generating a lot of comic situations. Written by Alessio Quirino
The weirdest alien of the galaxy pays a visit to Earth... Jerry Lewis is Kreton, a childish alien who, against his teacher's will leaves his planet to visit the Earth, and lands in the backyard of a famous television journalist who doesn't believe in U.F.O's and aliens. Wanting to study humans but not able to fully understand them, Kreton makes a mess out of it, generating a lot of comic situations. Written by Alessio Quirino