Bettgeflüster & Babyglück
Annette ErnstSchauspieler:
Katharina Wackernagel, Benjamin Sadler, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Nina Weniger, Clelia Sarto, Peter Benedict, Brigitte Grothum, Proschat Madani, Herbert KöferEin Baby soll die traumhafte Ehe der Scheidungsanwälte Pia und Uli krönen, doch der Erfolg aller ihrer Bemühungen - von "Sex nach Plan" bis zur künstlichen Befruchtung - bleibt aus. Als Pia erfährt, dass Uli sie in der schwierigen Phase betrogen hat, reicht sie augenblicklich die Scheidung ein. Uli aber kämpft verbissen um die Ehe und das Sorgerecht für die tiefgefrorenen Eizellen, die von der künstlichen Befruchtung übrig geblieben sind.
A baby is supposed to crown the dreamlike marriage of the divorce attorneys Pia and Uli, but the success of all their efforts – ranging from “sex on a schedule” to artificial insemination – fails to materialize. When Pia learns that Uli has cheated on her during this difficult period, she immediately files for a divorce. But Uli fights stubbornly for the custody of the deep-frozen oocytes which have remained from the artificial insemination.
A baby is supposed to crown the dreamlike marriage of the divorce attorneys Pia and Uli, but the success of all their efforts – ranging from “sex on a schedule” to artificial insemination – fails to materialize. When Pia learns that Uli has cheated on her during this difficult period, she immediately files for a divorce. But Uli fights stubbornly for the custody of the deep-frozen oocytes which have remained from the artificial insemination.