Bigfoot Junior
Ben Stassen, Jérémie DegrusonSchauspieler:
Joe Thomas, Cinda Adams, Jeff Doucette, Terrence StoneDer verträumte Junge Adam macht sich auf die Suche nach seinem verschollenen Vater - in den Tiefen des Waldes. Dort findet er Bigfoot. Auch er selbst trägt die Bigfoot-Gene in sich, die ihm ermöglichen, mit Tieren zu sprechen, und mehr Kraft verleihen als gewöhnlichen Sterblichen. Beides hat er bald nötig, als der Konzern, der auf die ungewöhnliche DNS scharf ist, seinen Vater entführen lässt. So wird aus der lustigen Begegnung ein wildes Abenteuer.
Animationsfilm um einen Jungen, der entdeckt, dass sein verschollener Vater Bigfoot ist. Doch mit der Entdeckung geht das Abenteuer erst richtig los.
Teenage outsider Adam sets out on an epic and daring quest to uncover the mystery behind his long-lost dad, only to find out that he is none other than the legendary Bigfoot! He has been hiding deep in the forest for years to protect himself and his family from HairCo., a giant corporation eager to run scientific experiments with his special DNA. As father and son start making up for lost time after the boy's initial disbelief, Adam soon discovers that he too is gifted with superpowers beyond his imagination. But little do they know, HairCo. is on their tail as Adam's traces have led them to Bigfoot!
Teenage outsider Adam sets out on an epic and daring quest to uncover the mystery behind his long-lost dad, only to find out that he is none other than the legendary Bigfoot! He has been hiding deep in the forest for years to protect himself and his family from HairCo., a giant corporation eager to run scientific experiments with his special DNA. As father and son start making up for lost time after the boy's initial disbelief, Adam soon discovers that he too is gifted with superpowers beyond his imagination. But little do they know, HairCo. is on their tail as Adam's traces have led them to Bigfoot!