Black Beauty
Daniel ZirilliSchauspieler:
Bruce Davison, Luke Perry, Anthony Del Negro, Sarah Ann SchultzTeenager Audrey ist nicht an Mode und Make Up interessiert, träumt davon, Veterinärin zu werden, und kümmert sich in ihrer Freizeit aufopferungsvoll um ausgesetzte Tiere in der lokalen Auffangstation. Eines Tages wird dort ein übel zugerichteter schwarzer Hengst eingeliefert. Doch für ein solches Kaliber ist das Tierheim zu klein. Kurzerhand überredet Audrey ihren Großvater, den Rancher, Black Beauty Asyl zu gewähren. Sie selbst wird die Sommerferien damit verbringen, das Tier aufzupäppeln, auch wenn ihre Eltern Bedenken tragen.
A modern retelling of Anna Sewell’s classic novel, Black Beauty explores the heartfelt story of 15 year-old Audry who makes the discovery of a lifetime whilst volunteering at a city animal shelter. Rescued from an abusive owner and recovering from a traumatic past, Black Beauty possesses a most unique quality of character, endearing itself to Audry and her Grandpa who adopt the horse in order to give it a second chance and perhaps even help revitalize their own family situation. Aided by dedicated trainer James and tested by the many challenges of equine life, Black Beauty has his work cut out for him as he embarks on a remarkable journey of discovery and friendship.
A modern retelling of Anna Sewell’s classic novel, Black Beauty explores the heartfelt story of 15 year-old Audry who makes the discovery of a lifetime whilst volunteering at a city animal shelter. Rescued from an abusive owner and recovering from a traumatic past, Black Beauty possesses a most unique quality of character, endearing itself to Audry and her Grandpa who adopt the horse in order to give it a second chance and perhaps even help revitalize their own family situation. Aided by dedicated trainer James and tested by the many challenges of equine life, Black Beauty has his work cut out for him as he embarks on a remarkable journey of discovery and friendship.