Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre
Mou Tun-feiSchauspieler:
Liang Zhang, Yung Pan, Shao-tien Hsiung, Wen-ting Chiang, Wen-tu Pan, Hua Shao"Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre" ist ein weiteres erschütterndes Horror- und Kriegsdrama.Meisterhaft inszeniert von Tun Fei Mou,dem Regisseur von "Men behind the Sun" und "Lost Souls".Der Film schildert die Ereignisse,die 1937 passiert sind.Im Mittelpunkt des Geschehens steht die chinesische Stadt Nanking,in der ein systematisch angelegtes Massaker grausam und lustvoll von den japanischen Invasoren durchgeführt wird.Hunderttausende Zivilisten, unter ihnen auch Frauen und Kinder,fallen dem Blutdurst des Japaner zum Opfer.
Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre, also called Men Behind the Sun 4, is a 1994 Hong Kong film directed by Mou Tun Fei and is in many ways considered to be a follow up to the 1987 shockumentary film, Men Behind the Sun. The movie depicts the events behind the Nanking Massacre committed by the Imperial Japanese army against Chinese citizens and refugees during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Like Men Behind the Sun, the film was both criticized and praised for its brutal portrayal of the Japanese atrocities, such as the notorious contest to kill 100 people using a sword, during the early and late stages of World War II, but at the same time was questioned over historical accuracy and violence which gave the film a more exploitation feel to it.
Black Sun: The Nanking Massacre, also called Men Behind the Sun 4, is a 1994 Hong Kong film directed by Mou Tun Fei and is in many ways considered to be a follow up to the 1987 shockumentary film, Men Behind the Sun. The movie depicts the events behind the Nanking Massacre committed by the Imperial Japanese army against Chinese citizens and refugees during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Like Men Behind the Sun, the film was both criticized and praised for its brutal portrayal of the Japanese atrocities, such as the notorious contest to kill 100 people using a sword, during the early and late stages of World War II, but at the same time was questioned over historical accuracy and violence which gave the film a more exploitation feel to it.