Blackway - Auf dem Pfad der Rache
Daniel AlfredsonSchauspieler:
Steve Bacic, Ray Liotta, Anthony Hopkins, Hal Holbrook, Julia Stiles, Lochlyn Munro, Aleks Paunovic, Aaron Pearl, Alexander Ludwig, Chris Gauthier, Linda Darlow, Glenn Beck, Taylor Hickson, William Belleau, Audrey SmallmanIn einem abgelegenen Nest an der nördlichen Pazifikküste der USA führt der ehemalige Polizist und heutige Drogenhändler Blackway ein grimmiges Terrorregime, dem sich nicht einmal die lokalen Gesetzeshüter entgegen zu stellen wagen. Als er der jungen Lillian nachzustellen beginnnt, wendet sich die alleinstehende Frau in ihrer Verzweiflung an lokale Holzarbeiter. Tatsächlich erklären sich der ältere Lester und sein jüngerer Kumpel Nate bereit, ihr gegen Blackway beizustehen. Doch der ist nicht so leicht zu finden.
Atmosphärisch dichter, wortkarger Thriller mit schlichter Story und beachtlicher Starbesetzung.
A modern fable set against the rugged backdrop of a Pacific Northwest logging community, this is the story of Lillian, a young woman newly returned to her hometown who becomes the subject of harassment by a man named Blackway, an ex-cop turned violent crimelord who operates with impunity in this small community on the edge of the wilderness. Forsaken by the local townspeople, advised by the Sheriff to leave town, Lillian decides instead to take a stand against her sociopathic stalker, and enlists the help of an ex-logger Lester and his laconic young sidekick Nate-the only two men in town brave enough, or crazy enough, to go with her, and go up against Blackway.
A modern fable set against the rugged backdrop of a Pacific Northwest logging community, this is the story of Lillian, a young woman newly returned to her hometown who becomes the subject of harassment by a man named Blackway, an ex-cop turned violent crimelord who operates with impunity in this small community on the edge of the wilderness. Forsaken by the local townspeople, advised by the Sheriff to leave town, Lillian decides instead to take a stand against her sociopathic stalker, and enlists the help of an ex-logger Lester and his laconic young sidekick Nate-the only two men in town brave enough, or crazy enough, to go with her, and go up against Blackway.